Genetic engineering (also known as recombinant DNA technology, genetic modification/manipulation (GM), and gene splicing) are terms that apply to the direct manipulation of an organism's genes. Articles related to genetic engineering include:
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5' cap --
Acentric chromosome -- Achondroplasia -- Active site -- Adam's Curse -- Adaptation -- Adenine -- Adenosine -- Adenosine diphosphate -- Adenovirus -- ADP -- Ala -- Alagille syndrome -- Albino -- Alcoholism -- Alkylating agent -- Allele -- Allele frequency -- Alleles -- Allopolyploid -- Allosteric protein -- Allozyme -- Alternative splicing -- Altruism -- Alu family -- Alzheimer's disease -- Amber codon -- Ames test -- Amino acid -- Amino acid sequence -- Amino acids -- Amniocentesis -- Amorphous -- AMP -- Amphidiploid -- Amplification -- Anagenesis -- Anaphase -- Aneuploid -- Aneuploid cell -- Aneuploidy -- Angelman syndrome -- Angiosperm -- Animal model -- Annealing -- Annotation -- Antibody -- Anticipation -- Anticoding strand -- Anticodon -- Antigen -- Antimorph -- Antiparallel -- Antisense -- Antisense RNA -- Antisense strand -- Antisense therapy -- AP endonuclease -- AP site -- Apert syndrome -- Apoptosis -- Applied genetics -- Arginine -- Arrayed library -- Ascospore -- Ascus -- Asexual spore -- Asn -- Asp -- Assembly -- Assortative mating -- Asymptomatic carrier -- Atavism -- ATP -- Attenuator -- Autogamy -- Autopolyploid -- Autoradiograph -- Autoradiography -- Autosomal dominant -- Autosome -- Autotroph -- Auxotroph -- Auxotrophic mutant -- Axoneme --
B form DNA -- Bacillus -- Back mutation -- Backcross -- Bacteria -- Bacterial lawn -- Bacteriophage -- Balbiani ring -- Barr body -- Basal body -- Base -- Base analogue -- Base pair -- Base pairs -- Base sequence -- Batesian mimicry -- Bayesian analysis -- Bead theory -- Behavioral genetics -- Behavioural genetics -- Beta-galactosidase -- Bimodal distribution -- Binary fission -- Binomial expansion -- Binomial theorem -- Biochemical genetics -- Biochemistry -- Bioengineering -- Bioinformatics -- Biolistic -- Biology -- Bioremediation -- Biotechnology -- Biparental zygote -- Birth defect -- Bivalent (genetics) -- BLAST -- Blastoderm -- Blastomere -- Blastopore -- Blastula -- Blending inheritance -- Blunt-end ligation -- Bookmarking -- Bottleneck -- Brachydactyly -- Branch migration -- BRCA1 -- BRCA2 -- Breakage and reunion -- Bridging cross -- Bud -- Buoyant density -- Burkitt lymphoma --
Cambridge Reference Sequence -- Cancer -- Candidate gene -- Capillary array -- Carcinogen -- Carcinoma -- Carrier -- Carrier testing -- cDNA -- cDNA library -- Cell -- Cell nucleus -- Centimorgan -- Central dogma of molecular biology -- Centromere -- Chemical base -- Chimeraplasty -- Chromomere -- Chromosomal deletion -- Chromosome -- Chromosome banding -- Chromosome painting -- Chromosome region p -- Chromosome region q -- Cisgenesis -- Classical genetics -- Cleft lip -- Cleft palate -- Clinical geneticist -- Clone (genetics) -- Clone bank -- Cloned DNA -- Cloning -- Cloning vector -- Coccus -- Code -- Code dictionary -- Coding strand -- Codominance -- Codon -- Codon usage bias -- Cohesive end -- Cointegrate -- Col plasmid -- Colicinogenic factor -- Colony -- Common ancestry -- Comparative genomics -- Compartment -- Competence factor -- Competent -- Complementarity -- Complementary DNA -- Complementation -- Complementation test -- Complete linkage -- Complex trait -- Component of fitness -- Composite transposon -- Concordance -- Conditional mutation -- Confidence limits -- Confidentiality -- Congenital -- Conjugation -- Conjugation tube -- Consanguineous -- Consanguinity -- Consensus sequence -- Conservative change -- Conserved sequence -- Constant region -- Constitutive -- Contig -- Contig map -- Contig maps -- Contiguous genes -- Continuous variation -- Controlling element -- Copper fist -- Copy-choice model -- Corepressor -- Correction -- Cosegregation -- Cosmid -- Cosmids -- Cot value -- Cotransduction -- Cotransformation -- Coupling -- Covariance -- cpDNA -- CpG island -- Craniosynostosis -- Cri du chat -- cRNA -- Cross -- Cross-fertilization -- Crossbreed -- Crossing over -- Crossover -- Crossover suppressor -- Crossovers -- Cryptic coloration -- Culture -- Cyclic AMP -- Cys -- Cystic fibrosis -- Cytidine -- Cytochrome -- Cytogenetic map -- Cytogenetics -- Cytohet -- Cytokinesis -- Cytological band -- Cytological map -- Cytoplasm -- Cytoplasmic trait -- Cytosine -- Cytosol --
D-loop -- Darwinian fitness -- Data warehouse -- Dauermodification -- Deficiency -- Degenerate code -- Degenerate codon -- Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry) -- Deletion -- Deletion chromosome -- Deletion map -- Deletion mapping -- Deme (Biology) -- Dementia -- Denaturation -- Denaturation map -- Denominator element -- Deoxyribonuclease -- Deoxyribonucleotide -- Deoxyribose -- Depauperate fauna -- Derepressed -- Determinant -- Determination -- Deterministic -- Development -- Diabetes mellitus -- Diakinesis -- Dicentric chromosome -- Dictyotene -- Dideoxy method -- Differentiation -- Dihybrid -- Dihybrid cross -- Dimerization -- Dimorphism -- Dioecious plant -- Diploid -- Directed evolution -- Directed mutagenesis -- Directed sequencing -- Directionality -- Discrete generations -- Disease -- Disruptive selection -- Distribution -- DMD -- DNA -- DNA amplification -- DNA bank -- DNA clone -- DNA cloning -- DNA electrophoresis -- DNA fingerprint -- DNA glycosylase -- DNA gyrase -- DNA hybridization -- DNA ligase -- DNA marker -- DNA polymerase -- DNA probe -- DNA repair genes -- DNA replication -- DNA sequence -- DNA sequencing -- Docking protein -- DOE -- Dominance variance -- Dominant -- Dominant allele -- Dominant phenotype -- Dosage compensation -- Dose -- Dot blotting -- Double crossover (genetics) -- Double digest -- Double helix -- Double hybrid -- Double infection -- Double reduction -- Doublesex -- Down syndrome -- Downstream -- Draft sequence -- Duplicate gene -- Dwarfism -- Dyad -- Dyad symmetry -- Dystonia --
E (exit site) -- Ecdysone -- Ecological genetics -- Ectopic expression -- Ectopic integration -- Electrophoresis -- Electroporation -- ELSI -- Endogenote -- Endomitosis -- Endonuclease -- Endopolyploidy -- Endosperm -- Engineering -- Enhancer -- Enhancer trap -- Enriched medium -- Enucleate cell -- Enzyme -- Epigenetics -- Episome -- Epistasis -- Equational division -- Equivalence group -- Erythrocytes -- Escherichia coli -- Ethics -- Ethidium -- Euchromatin -- Eugenics -- Eukaryote -- Eukaryotic cell -- Euploid -- Euploidy -- Evolution -- Evolutionary rate -- Excision repair -- Exconjugant -- Exogenote -- Exogenous DNA -- Exon -- Exon shuffling -- Exonuclease -- Experimental design -- Expressed gene -- Expression vector -- Expressivity --
F factor -- F plus cell -- F- cell -- F-duction -- F-pili -- F1 generation -- F2 generation -- Factorial -- Familial cancer -- Familial trait -- Family selection -- Fanconi's anemia -- Fate map -- Fecundity selection -- Fibroblasts -- Filial generation -- Filter enrichment -- Five prime untranslated region -- Fixed allele -- Fixed breakage point -- Flow cytometry -- Flow karyotyping -- Fluctuation test -- Fluorescent in situ hybridization -- FMET -- Focus map -- Forensics -- Forward mutation -- Founder effect -- Fragile site -- Fragile X syndrome -- Frameshift -- Frameshift mutation -- Fraternal twin -- Frequency histogram -- Fruiting body -- Full gene sequence -- Functional allele -- Functional genomics -- Fundamental number --
G-banding -- Gamete -- Gametic selection -- Gametophyte -- Gastrulation -- GC-rich area -- Gel electrophoresis -- Gene -- Gene amplification -- Gene chip technology -- Gene cloning -- Gene complex -- Gene conversion -- Gene dose -- Gene expression -- Gene family -- Gene flow -- Gene frequency -- Gene fusion -- Gene interaction -- Gene library -- Gene locus -- Gene map -- Gene mapping -- Gene markers -- Gene mutation -- Gene pair -- Gene pool -- Gene prediction -- Gene product -- Gene regulatory network -- Gene testing -- Gene therapy -- Gene transfer -- Genetic algorithm -- Genetic architecture -- Genetic code -- Genetic counseling -- Genetic deletion -- Genetic determinism -- Genetic disorder -- Genetic dissection -- Genetic drift -- Genetic engineering -- Genetic illness -- Genetic informatics -- Genetic linkage map -- Genetic load -- Genetic map -- Genetic marker -- Genetic material -- Genetic mosaic -- Genetic polymorphism -- Genetic screen -- Genetic screening -- Genetic testing -- Genetic variance -- Genetic variation -- Geneticist -- Genetics -- Genetics experiments -- Genic balance theory -- Genome -- Genome map -- Genome project -- Genome screen -- Genomic library -- Genomic sequence -- Genomics -- Genophore -- Genotype -- Germ cell -- Germ line -- Germ-line theory -- Germinal choice technology -- Germinal mutation -- Germline mutation -- Giemsa stain -- Gln -- Glutamic acid -- Gly -- God gene -- Gradient -- Gray crescent -- gRNA -- Ground state -- Group 1 intron -- Group II intron -- Group selection -- Guanine -- Guanosine -- Guide RNA -- Gynandromorph --
H-Y antigen -- Haemoglobin (hb) -- Haemophilia -- Haplodiploidy -- Haploid -- Haploidization -- Haploinsufficiency -- Haplotype -- Hardy-Weinberg Law -- Harlequin chromosome -- HAT medium -- Hayflick limit -- Heat-shock protein -- Helicase -- Hemizygous -- Hemizygous gene -- Hemophilia -- Hereditary cancer -- Hereditary mutation -- Heredity -- Heritability -- Hermaphrodite -- Heterochromatin -- Heteroduplex -- Heteroduplex DNA -- Heteroduplex mapping -- Heterogeneity -- Heterokaryon -- Heterokaryon test -- Heteroplasmon -- Heteroplasmy -- Heterothallic -- Heterothallic fungus -- Heterotroph -- Heterozygosity -- Heterozygote -- Heterozygous -- Heterozygous DNA -- Hexaploid -- Hfr -- HGP -- HHMI -- Himalayan -- Histone -- HnRNA -- Hogness box -- Holandric trait -- Holoenzyme -- Holoprosencephaly -- Homeo-box -- Homeo-domain -- Homeobox -- Homeosis -- Homology -- Homoplasmy -- Homothallic -- Homothallic fungus -- Homozygote -- Homozygous -- Homozygous gene pair -- Hormone -- Host range -- Housekeeping gene -- HUGO -- Human gene therapy -- Human genetic engineering -- Human genetics -- Human genome -- Human Genome Project -- Human mitochondrial genetics -- Huntington's disease -- Hybrid -- Hybrid DNA -- Hybrid dysgenesis -- Hybrid plasmid -- Hybrid zone -- Hybridization -- Hybridize -- Hybridoma -- Hydrogen bond -- Hydroxyapatite -- Hypermorph -- Hyperploid -- Hypervariable locus -- Hypervariable region -- Hypomorph -- Hypoploid -- Hypostatic gene --
Ichthyosis -- Identical twin -- Identity by descent -- Identity by type -- Idiogram -- Idiotypic variation -- Idling reaction -- Ig -- Ile -- Imago -- Immune system -- Immunity -- Immunoglobulin (Ig) -- Immunoglobulin gene -- Immunohistochemistry -- Immunotherapy -- Imprinting -- In situ -- In vitro -- In vitro mutagenesis -- In vivo -- Inclusive fitness -- Incomplete dominance -- Inducer -- Inducible operon -- Induction -- Industrial melanism -- Infectious transfer -- Informatics -- Inherit -- Inherited -- Initiation codon -- Initiation complex -- Initiator protein -- Inosine -- Insertion -- Insertional mutation -- Inside marker -- Intercalating agent -- Interference -- Interkinesis -- Interphase -- Intron -- Introns -- Inversion -- Ionizing radiation -- IS element -- Isoaccepting tRNA -- Isochromosome -- Isoenzyme -- Isoschizomer -- Isotope -- Isozyme --
Junk DNA --
Kappa particle -- Karyokinesis -- Karyotype -- Kilobase -- Kin selection -- Kinetochore -- Klinefelter syndrome --
Lac operon -- Lagging strand -- Lambda dgal -- Lambda phage -- Lateral inhibition -- Leader peptide gene -- Leader transcript -- Leaky mutant -- Lesion -- Lethal gene -- Leu -- Leucine zipper -- Leukemia -- Li-Fraumeni syndrome -- Library (genetics) -- Ligase -- Line -- Linear tetrad -- Linkage -- Linkage analysis -- Linkage equilibrium -- Linkage group -- Linkage map -- Linking number -- Lligase -- Locus -- Lod score -- Lod score method -- Lymphocyte -- Lymphoma -- Lyon hypothesis -- Lysate -- Lysine -- Lysis -- Lysogen -- Lysogenic -- Lysogenic bacterium --
Macromolecule -- Macrorestriction map -- Malformation -- Manx -- Mapping -- Mapping function -- Mapping population -- Marfan syndrome -- Marker -- Marker retention -- Mass spectrometry -- Mate-killer -- Maternal effect -- Maternal inheritance -- Mating type -- Mean -- Medium -- Megabase -- Meiocyte -- Meiosis -- Meiospore -- Melanoma -- Melting of DNA -- Mendel's first law -- Mendel's second law -- Mendelian ratio -- Merozygote -- Messenger RNA -- Met -- Metabolism -- Metafemale -- Metagon -- Metamale -- Metamere -- Metaphase -- Metaphase plate -- Metastasis -- Methylation -- Metrical variation -- Microarray -- Microbial genetics -- Microinjection -- Micronuclei -- Microsatellite -- Microtubules -- Midparent value -- Migration -- Mimicry -- Minimal medium -- Mismatch repair -- Missense mutation -- Mitochondrial DNA -- Mitochondrial Eve -- Mitochondrion -- Mitosis -- Mitotic apparatus -- Mitotic crossover -- Mixed codon family -- Model organisms -- modeling Modifier gene -- Molecular biology -- Molecular chaperone -- Molecular farming -- Molecular genetics -- Molecular imprinting -- Molecular medicine -- Molecule -- Monocistronic mRNA -- Monoclonal antibody -- Monoecious plant -- Monogenic disorder -- Monohybrid -- Monohybrid cross -- Monoploid -- Monosomic -- Monosomy -- Morbid map -- Mosaic (genetics) -- Mosaicism -- Mouse model -- mRNA -- mtDNA -- Mu particle -- Mu phage -- Mullerian mimicry -- Multifactorial -- Multihybrid -- Multimeric structure -- Multiple allelism -- Multiplexing -- Murine -- Mutability -- Mutagen -- Mutagenicity -- Mutant -- Mutant allele -- Mutant screening -- Mutant site -- Mutation -- Mutation breeding -- Mutation event -- Mutation frequency -- Mutation rate -- Mutational load -- Mutator mutation -- Muton -- Myeloma -- Myotonic dystrophy --
N segment -- N-end rule -- Nanobiotechnology -- Nanotechnology -- Narrow heritability -- Natural selection -- Negative control -- Neo-darwinism -- Neomorph -- Neoplasm -- Neurofibromatosis -- Neurospora -- Neutral mutation -- Neutral petite -- NF -- Nickase -- Nicking -- NIH -- Nitrogen base -- Nitrogenous base -- Non-coding DNA -- Non-coding strand -- Non-directiveness -- Non-disjunction -- Non-histone protein -- Non-linear tetrad -- Non-Mendelian ratio -- Non-recombinant -- Nonsense codon -- Nonsense mutation -- Nonsense suppressor -- Noonan syndrome -- Norm of reaction -- Normal distribution -- Northern analysis -- Northern blot -- NPD -- Nu body -- Nuclear transfer -- Nucleus -- Nuclease -- Nucleic acid -- Nucleoid -- Nucleolar organizer -- Nucleolus -- Nucleoprotein -- Nucleoside -- Nucleosome -- Nucleotide -- Nucleotide pair -- Nucleotides -- Null allele -- Null hypothesis -- Nullisomic -- Numerator element -- Nurse cell --
Ochre codon -- Octad -- Okazaki fragment -- Oligo -- Oligogenic -- Oligonucleotide -- Oncogene -- Oncogenes -- Oncovirus -- Oocyte -- Oogenesis -- Oogonia -- Opal codon -- Open reading frame -- Operator -- Operon -- Organelle -- Organogenesis -- Outbreeding -- Outside markers -- Overdominance -- Overlapping clones -- Ovum --
P (peptidyl) site -- P element -- P53 -- Palindrome -- Panmictic -- Parahuman -- Paralogous genes -- Paramecin -- Parameter -- Parental -- Parental ditype -- Parental generation -- Parental imprinting -- Parkinson's disease -- Parthenogenesis -- Partial digest -- Partial diploid -- Partial dominance -- Pascal's triangle -- Patent -- Path diagram -- Pathogen -- Pattern formation -- PCR -- Pedigree -- Penetrance -- Peptide -- Peptide bond -- Peptidyl transferase -- Permanent translocation heterozygosity -- Permissive condition -- PEST hypothesis -- Petite mutation -- Phage -- Pharmacogenomics -- Pharming (genetics) -- Phe -- Phenocopy -- Phenotype -- Phenotypic variance -- Phenylketonuria -- Pheromone -- Phosphodiester bond -- Photoreactivation -- Phyletic evolution -- Phyletic gradualism -- Phylogenetic tree -- Phylogenetics -- Physical map -- Piebald -- Pilus -- PKU -- Plant breeding -- Plasmid -- Plastid -- Pleiotropic mutation -- Pleiotropy -- Pluripotency -- Point mutation -- Poisson distribution -- Poky mutation -- Polar body -- Polar granules -- Polar mutation -- Polarity -- Polarity gene -- Pollen grain -- Poly(A) tail -- Polyacrylamide -- Polycistronic -- Polycistronic mRNA -- Polydactyly -- Polyadenylation -- Polygene -- Polygenic disorder -- Polymerase -- Polymerize -- Polymorphism -- Polypeptide -- Polyploid -- Polyribosome -- Polysaccharide -- Polysome -- Polytene chromosome -- Population -- Population genetics -- Position effect -- Positional cloning -- Positive control -- Pre-mRNA -- Precancerous polyp -- Predisposition -- Preemptor stem -- Prenatal diagnosis -- Pribnow box -- Primary oocyte -- Primary spermatocyte -- Primary structure -- Primary transcript -- Primase -- Primer -- Primosome -- Prion -- Probability -- Probability theory -- Processivity -- Product of meiosis -- Product rule -- Proflavin -- Prognosis -- Prokaryote -- Prokaryotic cell -- Promoter -- Pronucleus -- Proofreader genes -- Prophage -- Prophase -- Proplastid -- Propositus -- Prostate cancer -- Protease -- Protein -- Protein engineering -- Protein product -- Proteome -- Proteomics -- Proteus syndrome -- Proto-oncogene -- Protoplast -- Prototroph -- Provirus -- Pseudoallele -- Pseudoautosomal gene -- Pseudodominance -- Pseudogene -- Public policy -- Punnett square -- Purine -- Purines -- Pyrimidine --
R factor -- R plasmid -- Radiation hybrid -- RAM mutation -- Random genetic drift -- Random mating -- Rare-cutter enzyme -- Reading frame -- Readthrough -- Reannealing -- Rec system -- Receptor element -- Recessive -- Recessive allele -- Recessive gene -- Recessive phenotype -- Reciprocal altruism -- Reciprocal cross -- Recombinant DNA -- Recombinant clone -- Recombinant DNA -- Recon -- Reduction division -- Redundant DNA -- Regression -- Regulator element -- Regulator gene -- Relaxed mutant -- Renal cell cancer -- Renal cell carcinoma -- Renner complex -- Repeat sequences -- Repetitive DNA -- Replica plating -- Replication fork -- Replicon -- Replisome -- Reporter gene -- Repressible operon -- Repression -- Repressor -- Reproductive cells -- Reproductive success -- Reprogenetics -- Repulsion -- Restriction digest -- Restriction enzyme -- Restriction enzymes -- Restriction map -- Retinitis pigmentosa -- Retinoblastoma -- Retroviral infection -- Retrovirus -- Reverse genetics -- Reversion -- RF -- RFLP -- RFLP mapping -- Rho -- Ribonucleic acid -- Ribonucleotide -- Ribose -- Ribosomal protein -- Ribosomal RNA -- Ribosome -- Ribosomes -- Ribozyme -- Risk communication -- RNA -- RNA editing -- RNA phage -- RNA polymerase -- RNA replicase -- Robertsonian fusion -- rRNA --
S (Svedberg unit) -- S-9 mix -- Sanger sequence -- Sanger sequencing -- SAR -- Sarcoma -- Satellite chromosome -- Satellite DNA -- Scaffold -- Scanning hypothesis -- Scientific method -- Screening -- Screening technique -- Second-site mutation -- Secondary oocyte -- Secondary structure -- Sedimentation -- Segmentation (biology) -- Segregational load -- Segregational petite -- Selection -- Selection progress -- Selective medium -- Selective neutrality -- Selective system -- Self -- Self-assembly -- Self-fertilization -- Selfed -- Selfish DNA -- Sense strand -- Sequence -- Sequence assembly -- Sequence tagged site -- Sequencing -- Sex chromosome -- Sex chromosomes -- Sex determination -- Sex linkage -- Sex linked -- Sex reversal -- Sex switch -- Sex-controlled trait -- Sex-influenced trait -- Sex-limited genes -- Sex-limited trait -- Sex-linked -- Sex-ratio phenotype -- Sexual selection -- Sexual spore -- Shotgun method -- Shotgun sequencing -- Shotgun technique -- Shuttle vector -- Siblings(sibs) -- Sickle-cell disease -- Sigma factor -- Signal hypothesis -- Signal peptide -- Signal sequence -- Silent gene -- Silent mutation -- Single-gene disorder -- Sister chromatids -- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum -- Single-nucleotide polymorphism -- SnRNP -- Sociobiology -- Solenoid structure -- Somatic cell -- Somatic cell hybrid -- Somatic cells -- Somatic doubling -- Somatic mutation -- Somatic mutations -- Somatostatin -- SOS box -- SOS repair -- SOS response -- Southern blot -- Southern blotting -- Spacer DNA -- Speciation -- Species -- Specific-locus test -- Spectral karyotype -- Sperm -- Spermatid -- Spermatocyte -- Spermatogenesis -- Spermatogonium -- Spermatozoon -- Spermiogenesis -- Spina bifida -- Spindle apparatus -- Spiral cleavage -- Spirillum -- Splice site -- Spliceosome -- Spontaneous mutation -- Sporadic cancer -- Spore -- Sporophyte -- Stacking -- Staggered cuts -- Standard deviation -- Statistic -- Statistics -- Stem cell -- Stem-loop structure -- Steroid receptor -- Stochastic -- Strain -- Stringent factor -- Stringent response -- Structural gene -- Structural genomics -- Substantial equivalence -- Substitution -- Subvital gene -- Suicide gene -- Supercoil -- Supercoiling -- Supergene -- Superinfection -- Supersuppressor -- Suppressive petite -- Suppressor gene -- Suppressor mutation -- Svedberg unit -- Swivelase -- Sympatric speciation -- Synapsis -- Synaptonemal complex -- Syncytial blastoderm -- Syncytium -- Syndrome -- Syngeneic -- Synteny -- Synteny test -- Synthetic medium --
T-cell receptor -- T-DNA -- TACTAAC box -- Tandem duplication -- Target theory -- Targeted mutagenesis -- TATA box -- Tautomeric shift -- Tay-Sachs disease -- Technology transfer -- Telomerase -- Telomere -- Telophase -- Temperate phage -- Template -- Template strand -- Teratogen -- Teratogenic -- Teratogens -- Terminal redundancy -- Terminator sequence -- Tertiary structure -- Test cross -- Tetracycline Controlled Transcriptional Activation -- Tetrad -- Tetrad analysis -- Tetraparental mouse -- Tetraploid -- Tetratype (T) -- Theta structure -- Thr -- Three-point cross -- Three prime untranslated region -- Thymidine -- Thymine -- Thymine dimer -- Ti plasmid -- Topoisomer -- Topoisomerase -- Totipotency -- Totipotent -- Toxicogenomics -- Trait (biological) -- Trans conformation -- Trans-acting -- Transcription -- Transcription factor -- Transcriptome -- Transducing particle -- Transduction -- Transfection -- Transfer RNA -- Transferase -- Transform -- Transformation -- Transformer -- Transgenic -- Transgenic organism -- Transient diploid -- Transition (genetics) -- Transition mutation -- Translation -- Translocase (EF-G) -- Translocation -- Transposable element -- Transposition -- Transposon -- Transversion -- Trihybrid -- Triplet -- Triplet code -- Triploid -- Trisomic -- Trisomy -- Tritium -- tRNA -- Trp -- True heritability -- True speciation -- Truncation selection -- Tumour -- Tumour virus -- Turner syndrome -- Twin spot -- Twin study -- Two-point cross -- Type I and type II errors -- Typological thinking -- Tyrosine --
Underdominance -- Unequal crossover -- Uninemic chromosome -- Uniparental disomy -- Unique DNA -- Unstable mutation -- Unusual bases -- Upstream -- Uracil -- URF -- Uridine --
V-J joining -- Val -- Variable region -- Variance -- Variate -- Variation -- Variegation -- Vector -- Viability -- Virion -- Viroid -- Virulent phage -- Virus -- VNTR --
Wahlund effect -- Weismann barrier -- Western blot -- Wilms' tumor -- Wobble -- Wolfram syndrome --
X chromosome -- X hyperactivation -- X linkage -- X linked -- X-and-Y linkage -- X-inactivation -- X:A ratio -- Xenograft -- XYY -- XYY syndrome --
Y chromosome -- Y linkage -- Y linked -- Y-chromosomal Aaron -- Y-chromosomal Adam -- YAC --
Z-DNA -- Zinc finger -- Zinc-finger protein -- Zygote --